let us live our dreams®

let us live our dreams®

Young boy looking at glider

Unborn Lives Matter Vision

We are living in an exciting time when emphasis is being placed on all lives having equal opportunity to live out their dreams.  Through our trademarked logo and “let us live our dreams” messaging, it’s also time in our society to give the unborn the same opportunity.

Unborn Lives Matter will embark on changing the narrative from the age of viability within the womb to the responsibility towards allowing the growing child to live out their dreams.  There are dreams waiting to be lived out, and how those dreams are lived will make a difference in the world around us and matter for a lifetime.

Kindergarten graduation
Girl day dreaming
Future leader
Young boy looking at glider
Kindergarten graduation

Unborn Lives Matter Vision

We are living in an exciting time when emphasis is being placed on all lives having equal opportunity to live out their dreams.  Through our trademarked logo and “let us live our dreams” messaging, it’s also time in our society to give the unborn the same opportunity.

Unborn Lives Matter will embark on changing the narrative from the age of viability within the womb to the responsibility towards allowing the growing child to live out their dreams.  There are dreams waiting to be lived out, and how those dreams are lived will make a difference in the world around us and matter for a lifetime.

Girl day dreaming
Future leader
mother and daughter walking

Considering Abortion?

Life…we are grateful for our life…but inevitably, stress, challenges and decisions will come our way that cause us uncertainty.  In those cases where do we turn?

A great place to start is from those with knowledge who have helped others, or who have personally gone through a similar life experience.

The links below offer both.

Considering Abortion?

Life…we are grateful for our life…but inevitably, stress, challenges and decisions will come our way that cause us uncertainty.  In those cases where do we turn?

A great place to start is from those with knowledge who have helped others, or who have personally gone through a similar life experience.

The links below offer both.

mother and daughter walking
today I became a mom
father and son playing the guitar

Considering Adoption?

Let us live our dreams…what does that really mean?

Dreams are very individual. Dreams come from the person’s heart and their own unique passion.  Although when young, we all need a with whom person in our life.  But the with whom is not what is most important, it’s the unique dream being lived out by the individual that they ultimately will be called to follow.

Where to turn to help know who the who should be?

A great place to start is from those with knowledge who have helped others, or who have personally gone through a similar life experience.

The links below offer both.

Share Your Story

Our life experiences are very personal to each of us, which is why they need to be shared.  Through our personal experiences, we learn and grow.  How can your personal experience help someone else?

Share your story.

We learn especially from others who have gone through similar life experiences.  Use your full name, first name, initials, or no reference to your name. Your story can help others find direction, help, hope, and life.